Maintenance operations scheduled for 17th February between 9:00 and 11:00 (UTC+1). We are working to make Astroprint better! 🚀💪

Stats & Trends

  • Print Time (hours)
    Based on the last 8 months

    AstroPrint Avg Total Print Time: hrs
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  • Filament Used (kg)
    Based on the last 8 months

    AstroPrint Avg Total Filament Used: kg
    Generate Image File Generating...
  • 3D Printers with the Most Print Time
    Calculated by percentage of print time on the AstroPrint Platform. Based on the last 6 months

    % of print time
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  • 3D Printers with Least Cancelled Prints
    Calculated according to the canceled prints for the printers with the most print jobs on the Astroprint Platform. Based on the last 6 months

    % of cancelled prints with each printer
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  • Print Quality Breakdown Used by AstroPrint Users
    Based on the last 6 months

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  • Most Used Slicers on AstroPrint
    Based on the last 6 months

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  • Print Cancellations by AstroPrint Users
    Based on the last 6 months

    Generate Image File Generating...